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AIA President and CEO Applauds Congressional Support of NASA Reauthorization Act

Arlington, Va.– The Aerospace Industries Association President and CEO Eric Fanning today released a statement following the introduction of the National ...

AIA Comments to the National Plan for Civil Earth Observations

AIA members include multi-decade Earth Observations Enterprise partners to the U.S. government’s space science and remote sensing communities deeply committed to maintaining and enhancing the long-term Earth observation record. AIA submits the following comments for consideration...

AIA NASA Authorization Act Priorities January 2024

AIA urges Congress to affirm its consistent, bipartisan support for NASA through a comprehensive NASA Authorization Act. In considering an authorization, AIA supports the following elements...

AIA Comments on FAA’s Proposed Rules on Launch Activity and Orbital Debris

Across AIA’s member companies are the suppliers, manufacturers, launch providers, and operators of commercial, civil, and national security satellites and space vehicles. AIA submitted the following comments in response to Docket No. FAA-2023-1858, Mitigation Methods for Launch Vehicle Upper Stages on the Creation of Orbital Debris...

AIA Mission Authorization and Supervision Principles

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) represents over 320 companies and over 2.2 million U.S. workers across the aerospace and defense supply chain. Our members design, manufacture, and operate ground systems, launch vehicles, and spacecraft for commercial, civil, and national security space missions...

AIA Provides Industry Perspective on Space Critical Infrastructure Designation

Arlington, Va. – Eric Fanning, President and CEO of the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), yesterday sent a letter to Jake Sullivan, National ...

AIA Letter Concerning House Legislation on Railroad Valley Site

AIA represents over 320 American aerospace manufacturers, suppliers, and more than 2 million U.S. workers, writes to express concern over Sec. 466 in the recently approved Fiscal Year...

AIA Letter to the FAA on Notice of Updated Factors for Optimizing Use of the National Airspace

AIA sent a letter to Federal Aviation Administration Chief of Staff Katie Thomson expressing the space industry’s perspective on the FAA’s recent Notice of Updated Factors for Optimizing Use of the National Airspace...

2022 NASA Authorization Act Priorities

The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), representing over 300 aerospace manufacturers and suppliers and more than 2 million U.S. workers, urges Congress to affirm its consistent, bipartisan support for NASA through a comprehensive NASA Authorization Act. In considering an authorization, AIA requests the Congress to authorize and affirm the following elements...

Space Force and Space Command

It is critical we continue to educate stakeholders on the difference between the combatant command and the military service and how they work together...

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Arlington, VA 22209-3928