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How to Become a Member

Joining AIA is a four-step process where you provide information about your company, which will be reviewed by AIA and ratified by our Board of Governors.

1 Complete the application form

Provide details about your company, including contact information. You will be asked to provide sales data for your last two reporting years of U.S.-based aerospace and defense sales. We encourage you to review AIA’s definition of A&D prior to applying.

For a preview of the questions asked through the online application, download the Full Member Application or the Associate Member Application prior to starting your application.

2 Our membership division reviews your application

They will contact you if further information is needed.

3 Your application is reviewed by AIA’s outside counsel for eligibility

To ensure the best experience for all members, we accept only companies that can demonstrate that their products or services can contribute to the safe operation of an aerospace product. In this way, all members have equal interest in advancing our industry.

4 You’ll become official at the next governance meeting

Once your application is approved, we’ll conduct an onboarding call and get you started. Having a conversation is the best way to ensure you are taking advantage of your benefits of membership. At the next governance meeting of AIA leadership, your membership will be officially ratified.

Which Member Type is Right for My Company?

The level of membership that’s most appropriate for your company will likely depend on the particular benefits you are seeking through alignment with AIA.

Full Membership

Companies with services or products unique and necessary to the production or safe operation of aerospace products, with operations in the U.S., may qualify as full members.

Annual Full Membership Dues:

  • 2024 minimum dues are $8,650.75
  • 2024 maximum dues are $508,867.75

Associate Membership

Associate members typically fall into three categories: suppliers or distributors of aerospace products, companies providing services to the A&D industry, or for-profit corporations providing educational services contributing to the advancement of aerospace manufacturing. Aerospace OEMs with no operations within the U.S. or with foreign government ownership interest may also qualify for associate membership.

Annual Associate Membership Dues:

  • Companies with sales under $50 million pay annual dues of $3,816.50
  • Companies with sales over $50 million pay annual dues of $6,360.85

Dues Calculator

Mature businessman leading meeting in office

Membership Benefits

Gain invaluable access to industry resources and legislative support that will directly impact your company’s everyday operations. With two membership types available, you’ll be able to engage with the benefits that make the most sense for your business.

Associate Membership Includes:

People Meeting at a Table Icon

Representation through the Supply Chain Summits

Board Meeting Icon

Opportunity to register for Supply Chain Policy Roundtables

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Access to select councils, committees and working groups

Employment Icon

Opportunity to participate in grassroots legislative campaigns

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Opportunity to engage in AIA’s activities in conjunction with international air shows

Satellite Icon

Critical information impacting the aerospace and defense industry

Full Members Get These Additional Benefits:

People at a meeting with notes on a table

Opportunity to serve, if elected, on the AIA Board of Governors

Networking Icon

Access to 100+ councils, committees, and working groups

Business Goal Icon

Networking, advocacy, and sponsorship opportunities to further your business goals

Users Talking at a Table

Attendance at the biannual Board of Governors meeting

Standards Icon

Opportunity to participate in standards-making via AIA’s National Aerospace Standards

Rocket Icon

Opportunity to sponsor the American Rocketry Challenge

1000 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 1700
Arlington, VA 22209-3928