AIA's Supply Chain Policy and Advocacy Council sent a letter to President Joseph Biden urging his Administration to keep engaging on the ongoing labor strike at The Boeing Company...
AIA sent a letter to congressional leaders outlining the association’s legislative priorities for the remainder of 2024, including full-year appropriations to fully fund...
In a joint statement issued by Airlines for Europe (A4E), Aerospace Industries Association (AIA), Aerospace Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD), and...
With 2.2 million A&D employees nationwide and a $418 billion contribution to GDP in 2022, the industry seeks policy alignment and federal investment to fuel further progress. AIA urges support for FAA programs in the upcoming appropriations legislation to sustain this momentum...
AIA, representing over 320 aerospace manufacturers and suppliers and more than 2 million U.S. workers, urges Congress to stabilize NASA and NOAA funding after cuts in the FY24 appropriations cycle...
The Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) President and CEO Eric Fanning sent a letter to Speaker Mike Johnson of the United States House of Representatives urging the House to take up the Senate-passed...
With the 2023 release of several Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning applications, there has been a heightened interest across all industrial sectors in using these new tools. AI/ML has the potential to automate many tasks that previously were only achievable manually through humans as well as unlock new capabilities...
AIA members include multi-decade Earth Observations Enterprise partners to the U.S. government’s space science and remote sensing communities deeply committed to maintaining and enhancing the long-term Earth observation record. AIA submits the following comments for consideration...
AIA urges Congress to affirm its consistent, bipartisan support for NASA through a comprehensive NASA Authorization Act. In considering an authorization, AIA supports the following elements...
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