Modernizing Export Controls
Export control reform is a solid pillar of AIA’s strategy to ensure U.S. industry remains globally competitive in the aerospace and defense sector and to build partnership capacity for foreign partners and allies.
The complexity of the U.S. export control system has created an opaque atmosphere with a transactional nature difficult to navigate and cumbersome to industry and the regulatory workforce, challenging the strategic objectives for its existence.

Look Toward the Future
The U.S. aerospace and defense industry needs a modernized export control system to be able to respond to 21st century opportunities. With the same vigor as the initial Export Control Reform initiative, U.S. government must continue with the spirit of releasing non-critical technologies from strict controls and focusing resources on America’s most advanced capabilities.
Take Action Now
Industry and the U.S. government will greatly benefit from an enhanced, organized system, including the data therein, that moves beyond transactional processes, efficiently manages the volume of export authorization requests, and realizes strategic foreign policy and national security goals. Moreover, agility for regulatory changes that keep pace with U.S. policy objectives and industry technological advancements will prove to ensure long-term American competitiveness.
AIA’s Role
AIA takes a leading role in representing the U.S. aerospace and defense industry before the U.S. government export control community, particularity at the Departments of Commerce, Defense, and State. Whether its providing comments on proposed regulations or interacting with our Congressional representatives, AIA provides an expert perspective, informed by our members, of the challenges and opportunities in the U.S. export control system.
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